Saturday, December 17, 2016


There is an apparent need for communities to initiate solution to their problems and issues in ways that fit their circumstances. 

It is increasingly obvious that communities themselves need to be a part of 'the solution' to the problems they themselves identify.

Rather than have solutions imposed upon them by governments, regulators, authorities, organisations, administrations, etc. communities need to be empowered to work together plus interact cooperatively and collaboratively. 

Communities, that is ‘community organisations’, charities, activist groups, social networks, community clubs, etc., need to come together and establish a networks of networks .
These networks, once established, could work towards communities finding solutions to problems they identify and prioritise.

With prospective solutions to hand they will be empowered to hold their elected representatives to account.

Can you identify a community problem in need of a solution? Are you interested in becoming a part of such a solution oriented network?

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